Introduction to Computers

Last updated: 2/25/2025

Introduction to Computers

Teacher's Guide - Lesson 1 (1 hour)

Materials Needed

  • Laptops (1 per 2-3 students)
  • Large printed labels in local language for computer parts
  • Sticky notes
  • Simple visual handouts (see attached diagrams)

Pre-Class Setup

  1. Ensure all laptops are charged
  2. Place numbered sticky notes on each laptop
  3. Arrange seating in groups of 2-3
  4. Test that all computers can power on/off correctly

Lesson Activities

1. Opening Discussion (5 mins)

Story Sharing: Tell the story of [former student?], and how she used digital literacy in her business ventures during and after Zena?:

Example use cases:

  • Keep track of her sales
  • Find new products
  • Research new product ideas through Youtube

2. Computer Parts Discovery (15 mins)

Activity: "Name That Part"

  • Groups take turns coming to the front
  • Teacher points to a part, says its name in English and local language
  • Groups repeat the name
  • Use large labels to mark each part together

Parts to Cover:

  • Screen/Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Touchpad/Mouse
  • Power Button
  • Charger
  • System Unit (the whole laptop)

Types of computers? Reference to sheet provided by Chris

Activity: "Computer Parts Chain"

  • First person touches power button, says name
  • Next person touches screen, says both parts
  • Continue until all main parts are included
  • Makes learning physical and memorable

3. Basic Operations Practice (20 mins)

Activity: "Power Rangers" Purpose: Learn proper power on/off sequence

  • Each person gets one step in sequence:
    1. Open laptop carefully
    2. Type in the password
    3. Open a program/window in the main program bar
    4. Close the window
    5. Lock the computer
    6. Close the laptop carefully
  • Rotate until everyone tries each step

4. Hands-On Practice (15 mins)

Activity: "Click the Rainbow"

5. Closing Activity (5 mins)

"Show What You Know" Circle

  • Form a circle
  • Each person demonstrates one thing they learned
  • Group claps after each demonstration

Visual Aids

Basic Computer Parts Diagram [Create simple, clear diagrams showing:

  1. Laptop with all basic parts labeled
  2. Power button location on different models
  3. Proper opening/closing technique
  4. Basic touchpad gestures]

Recommended Videos for Teacher Preparation

  1. "Computer Basics: Getting Started with Your First Computer"

Teaching Tips

  • Demonstrate everything before asking students to try
  • Use lots of encouragement and celebration
  • Create a safe space for mistakes
  • Use physical movement to keep energy high
  • Ensure every student gets hands-on time

Success Indicators

Students should be able to:

  • Name main computer parts
  • Open/close laptop safely
  • Power on/off correctly
  • Move cursor with touchpad
  • Click on large targets

Notes for Next Lesson

  • Record which students need extra practice with basic operations
  • Note any vocabulary that needs more review
  • Prepare progressive challenges for quick learners